Thomas is a German photographer and communication designer, based in Bochum, North Rhine-Westphalia.
After Highschool he was trained as a businessman in the steel and wire rope industry. Soon he realised his real passion and started working as a photographer and communication designer since 1998. After studying visual communication at the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences, he founded the location agency Most Wanted GmbH with partners and later the agency Iconworx. He was responsible for the research, presentation and filming of locations as well as being direction-manager for cinema, advertising and TV productions.
Since 2003 he has been the urban photographer and communication designer at Herne’s press office, responsible for the publications of the municipal press and public relations. Furthermore, he takes care of the design and media-technical advice to all departments and the city’s subsidiaries.
In addition to his tasks at the city of Herne, he works as freelancer for projects in the areas of communication design, web and corporate design and as photographer with focus on reportage, editorial, corporate and people.
Other Qualifications:
Specialist in image and moving image communication, (Deutsche Presseakademie)
Bombay Flying Club (Poul Madsen and Henrik Kastenskov), Webdocumentary & interactive Storytelling“, Akademie für Publizistik, Hamburg
Clients / Media (Selection):
SPIEGEL- online
Markenfilm, Hamburg
Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung
Graniet Fim, Niederlande
Metropole Ruhr
Herner Sparkasse
Familiengerechte Kommune e.v., Bochum
AAP – Deutsche Vereinigung für Atemrhythmisch Angepasste Phonation
Sprechstudio Uwe Schürmann, Holzwickede
Emschertal-Museum, Herne
adhoc Verlag, Herne
Herne2010 mittendrin
Stimmcoachings, Dortmund
Das Stadtmagazin ‚inHerne
Mitarbeitermagazin der Stadt Herne, “DurchBlick“
“ID 55“- Magazin, Herne
Post & Welters Architekten und Stadtplaner, “Wettbewerb Aktuell’‘
“Tours“ Magazin für Abenteuerreisen
Bitmarck Holding GmbH-Online, Essen
Bitmarck Holding GmbH-Online, Kundenzeitschrift “eins/null“, Essen